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Casamento em Blumenau – fotos e vídeo: Amor Divino – Joanna e Rafael

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Semana passada nós contamos a história da Joanna e do Rafael e mostramos o ensaio pré-wedding, que aconteceu no Rio de Janeiro – cidade que os dois moram e onde tudo começou – e, como prometido, hoje nós trouxemos o casamento deles para o blog.

Wedding ceremony exit with sparkles | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael

A festa aconteceu em Blumenau, terra natal da noiva, e os detalhes (como a decoração com flores penduradas, as lembrancinhas do casamento e a saída dos noivos da cerimônia com sparkles) valem a pena ir para a sua pasta de inspirações no Pinterest!

A noiva estava linda, com um vestido assinado pela designer Neide Kuhlmann e beleza por Natane Rosa e Margarete Martins. O noivo estava super elegante com um terno Brooksfield.

Em aproximadamente 3 minutos, a Metade da Laranja Filmes conseguiu mostrar tudo e ainda nos emocionar com um pouquinho dos votos do casal. Aperte o play:

Agora confira as fotos desse casamento lindo pelo olhar de Melqui Zago:

Making of da Noida e do Noivo

[twocol_one]Getting ready bride | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]Getting ready groom | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael[/twocol_one_last]


Os detalhes

Bride ang groom name tag | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Wedding favor box with message inside | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Wedding dinner menu | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael


A Cerimônia

Groom walking down the aisle | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride heading to the wedding ceremony | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafaelBride heading to the ceremony | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride walking down the asile | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride walking down the aisle | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Wedding ceremony | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Groom kisses bride's hand | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride kisses groom's hand | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Wedding vows - gorgeous wedding dress details | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael You may kiss the bride | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom kiss | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael


Sparkles! ❤️ ✨

Wedding ceremony exit with sparkles | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Wedding ceremony exit with sparkles | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Wedding ceremony exit with sparkles | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Wedding ceremony exit with sparkles | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael


Os Recém-Casados

Bride and groom portraits | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Stunning wedding dress and long veil | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom portraits | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom portraits - hanging flowers decor | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom portraits - hanging flowers decor | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom portraits | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom black and white portrait | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom black and white portrait | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom portraits | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael Bride and groom dancing on wedding reception with black and white masks | https://mysweetengagement.com/casamento-em-blumenau-joanna-e-rafael

Vídeo: Metade da Laranja • Imagens MDL: Rafael Niess, Raphael Bubeck e Guilherme Manfredini • Fotos: Melqui Zago • Local: Teatro Carlos Gomes • Cerimonial: Sara Fogaça • Decoração: Pollen Ornamentações • Dia da noiva: Hotel Plaza • Maquiagem: Natane Rosa • Cabelo: Margarete Martins • Vestido: Neide Kuhlmann • Dia do noivo: Hotel Glória • Traje do noivo: Brooksfield • Música da cerimônia: Concert Eventos • Iluminação e DJ: Diversom • Banda: Vintage Cult • Bolo: Luciane Aguiar • Doces: Luciane Aguiar/ Inaiá
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